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Luiano Chianti Classico 750ML

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Luiano Chianti Classico is a red wine from the Chianti region in Tuscany, Italy. It features a rich flavor profile with notes of dark cherry, plum, and subtle hints of spice, making it a versatile and classic choice for wine lovers.

This Chianti Classico pairs well with a variety of dishes such as pasta with tomato sauce, grilled meats, aged cheeses, and hearty vegetable dishes. Its balanced acidity and medium body make it a great accompaniment to a range of flavorful meals.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Famiglia Castellani Chianti Classico Riserva 750ML

    Famiglia Castellani Chianti Classico Riserva 750ML

    The Famiglia Castellani Chianti Classico Riserva 750ML is a rich and robust red wine originating from the Chianti region of Tuscany, Italy. This wine offers a medium to full-bodied flavor profile characterized by notes of dark cherry, plum, and earthy undertones with a well-balanced acidity and firm tannins.

    This Chianti Classico Riserva is best enjoyed with hearty Italian dishes such as pasta with marinara sauce, grilled meats, and aged cheeses. To fully appreciate the complexity of this wine, it is recommended to decant it for at least 30 minutes before serving at a temperature of 60-65°F.


  • Tenuta Sassoregale Sangiovese 750ML

    Tenuta Sassoregale Sangiovese 750ML

    Tenuta Sassoregale Sangiovese 750ML is a delightful red wine originating from the Tuscany region of Italy. This Sangiovese has a rich, fruity flavor profile with hints of cherry, plum, and spice, making it the perfect choice for wine enthusiasts looking for a classic Italian varietal.

    This Sangiovese pairs excellently with a variety of dishes, including pasta dishes such as lasagna or spaghetti bolognese, as well as grilled meats like steak or roasted chicken. For a true taste of Tuscany, pair this wine with traditional Italian dishes like bruschetta or risotto.


  • Lornano Chianti Classico 750ML

    Lornano Chianti Classico 750ML

    Lornano Chianti Classico 750ML is a classic Italian wine from the Chianti region. This red wine has a medium body with flavors of dark cherry, plum, and hints of spice, making it perfect for pairing with a variety of dishes.

    Pair Lornano Chianti Classico with classic Italian dishes such as pasta with tomato sauce, pizza, or grilled meats. It also complements aged cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano and Pecorino Romano.


  • Ruffino Chianti 750ML

    Ruffino Chianti 750ML

    Ruffino Chianti 750ML is a classic Italian wine from the Chianti region, known for its medium-bodied taste with notes of cherry, plum, and subtle hints of spice. This red wine is smooth on the palate with a well-balanced acidity, making it a versatile option for various occasions.

    Pair this Ruffino Chianti with traditional Italian dishes such as pasta with tomato-based sauces, grilled meats, or aged cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano. It also complements dishes like pizza, roasted vegetables, and charcuterie boards, enhancing the flavors of the meal.



  • Torrebruna Sangiovese 750ML

    Torrebruna Sangiovese 750ML

    Torrebruna Sangiovese 2019 750ML is a delightful red wine from the renowned Tuscany region of Italy. This Sangiovese offers a well-balanced flavor profile with notes of red cherry, plum, and earthy undertones.

    This versatile wine pairs excellently with a variety of dishes, including pasta with tomato-based sauces, grilled meats, and aged cheeses. It is the perfect companion for a cozy night in or a gathering with friends and family.


  • Famiglia Castellani Sangiovese 750ML

    Famiglia Castellani Sangiovese 750ML

    The Famiglia Castellani Sangiovese 750ML is a bold and robust red wine hailing from the Sangiovese grape variety in Tuscany, Italy. This wine offers flavors of ripe cherry, plum, and a hint of spice, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    This Sangiovese pairs perfectly with Italian dishes such as pasta with tomato-based sauces, pizza, grilled meats, and sharp cheeses. It also complements dishes like roasted vegetables and hearty stews. Enjoy a glass of Famiglia Castellani Sangiovese 2016 750ML with your favorite Italian meal for a truly authentic experience.
