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1792 Small Batch Bourbon 750ML

Product price




1792 Small Batch Bourbon 750ML is a premium spirit originating from Kentucky. This bourbon offers a rich and complex flavor profile, with notes of caramel, vanilla, and spice, making it a truly satisfying pour for bourbon enthusiasts.

To fully enjoy the flavors of 1792 Small Batch Bourbon, it is recommended to sip it neat or on the rocks. For a classic cocktail option, try mixing it into a traditional Old Fashioned or Manhattan for a timeless taste experience.

Product Details

TypeWhiskey - American
Size750 ml
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    George Remus Babe Ruth Reserve Straight Bourbon 750ML

    George Remus Babe Ruth Reserve Straight Bourbon 750ML is a premium bourbon with a rich flavor profile. This bourbon is crafted in the United States, delivering a smooth and complex taste with hints of caramel, oak, and spice.

    To fully enjoy the George Remus Babe Ruth Reserve Straight Bourbon, it is recommended to serve it neat or on the rocks. This bourbon can also be used in classic cocktails like Old Fashioned or Manhattan, enhancing the flavors with its unique blend.



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    To truly experience the full flavor profile of Blood Oath Pact #10, we recommend enjoying it neat or on the rocks. Savor each sip slowly to fully appreciate the intricate layers of flavor. This bourbon also makes a great base for classic cocktails like Old Fashioneds or Manhattans.



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    The Little Book Chapter 8 Path Not Taken 2024 Freddie Noe 750ml is a premium spirit with a unique flavor profile. This blend from the United States offers a smooth and complex taste, perfect for those looking to enjoy a high-quality drink.

    This spirit is best enjoyed neat or over ice to fully appreciate its rich flavors. It can also be used in cocktails for a sophisticated twist. Whether sipped slowly or mixed into a drink, the Little Book Chapter 8 Path Not Taken is sure to impress any spirits enthusiast.



  • Ridgemont Reserve 1792 Full Proof Bourbon 750ML

    Ridgemont Reserve 1792 Full Proof Bourbon 750ML

    Ridgemont Reserve 1792 Full Proof Bourbon 750ML is a rich and robust bourbon hailing from the United States. This full proof spirit boasts flavors of caramel, vanilla, and oak, making it a perfect choice for bourbon enthusiasts looking for a bold and flavorful sipping experience.

    To truly appreciate the complex flavors of Ridgemont Reserve 1792 Full Proof Bourbon, it is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks. Alternatively, use this bourbon to elevate classic cocktails like Old Fashioneds or Manhattans for a truly indulgent drinking experience.



  • Heavens Door Revelation Whiskey NV 750ML

    Heavens Door Revelation Whiskey NV 750ML

    Heavens Door Revelation Whiskey NV 750ML is a premium spirits product known for its rich and complex flavor profile. This whiskey originates from an undisclosed region, known for producing high-quality spirits with exceptional craftsmanship.

    To fully enjoy the unique taste of Heavens Door Revelation Whiskey NV 750ML, it is recommended to serve it neat or on the rocks. Pair it with dark chocolate or a cigar to enhance the experience. This versatile spirit can also be used in cocktails for a sophisticated twist on classic recipes.



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    Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey 750ML

    Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey 750ML is a unique spirit that combines the rich, nutty flavor of peanut butter with the smooth warmth of whiskey. Made in the United States, this one-of-a-kind drink is perfect for those looking to try something different and delicious.

    To enjoy Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey, try it on the rocks for a simple and indulgent treat. It can also be used as a fun twist in classic cocktails like the Old Fashioned or Whiskey Sour. Experiment with mixing it into milkshakes or drizzling it over ice cream for a decadent dessert experience.



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    Traveller Blend No 40 Whiskey 750ML is a premium spirits product known for its smooth and rich flavor profile. This whiskey originates from an undisclosed region known for producing high-quality spirits, ensuring a unique and satisfying drinking experience.

    To fully enjoy the complex flavors of Traveller Blend No 40 Whiskey, it is recommended to serve it neat or on the rocks in a whiskey glass. For a twist, try adding a splash of water to open up the flavors. This versatile spirit can also be used in cocktails to elevate your drink of choice.



  • Woodford Reserve Bourbon 750ML

    Woodford Reserve Bourbon 750ML

    Woodford Reserve Bourbon 750ML is a premium bourbon known for its rich and complex flavor profile. Made in Kentucky, USA, this bourbon offers notes of dried fruit, vanilla, and toasted oak, making it a favorite among whiskey enthusiasts.

    To enjoy Woodford Reserve Bourbon at its best, sip it neat or on the rocks to fully appreciate its bold flavors. It also makes a great base for classic cocktails like Old Fashioned or Manhattan. Store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight to maintain its quality.



  • Jack Daniels Gentleman Jack 750ML

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    Jack Daniels Gentleman Jack 750ML is a premium Tennessee whiskey known for its smooth and mellow flavor profile. This double-mellowed whiskey is crafted in Lynchburg, Tennessee, using the traditional charcoal mellowing process, resulting in a balanced and sophisticated taste.

    To fully enjoy the flavors of Gentleman Jack, serve it neat or on the rocks in a whiskey glass. This whiskey also makes a great base for classic cocktails like Old Fashioned or Whiskey Sour. Remember to store the bottle in a cool, dark place and enjoy responsibly.

