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Gruet Blanc De Blanc 750ML

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The Gruet Brut Blanc de Blanc 750ML is a sparkling wine that offers crisp flavors of green apple, citrus, and toasted brioche. Made exclusively from Chardonnay grapes grown in New Mexico, this wine boasts a bright acidity and a clean, refreshing finish.

This versatile wine is perfect for celebrations, special occasions, or as a refreshing aperitif. Serve chilled in flute glasses to fully enjoy its effervescence. Pair with seafood, light appetizers, or enjoy on its own to elevate any gathering.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Korbel Brut 750ML

    Korbel Brut 750ML

    The Korbel Brut 750ML is a crisp and dry sparkling wine hailing from the famous wine region of California. With notes of green apple and citrus, this wine is perfect for those who enjoy a refreshing and elegant taste.

    This Korbel Brut pairs beautifully with seafood dishes such as oysters or shrimp cocktail. It also complements light appetizers, salads, and soft cheeses. Enjoy a glass of this sparkling wine with your favorite meal for a delightful dining experience.



  • Andre Brut 750ML

    Andre Brut 750ML

    Andre Brut 750ML is a delightful sparkling wine from an acclaimed wine region. With a crisp and refreshing flavor profile, this wine boasts hints of citrus and green apple, perfect for any occasion. Ideal for celebrations or casual gatherings, this wine is sure to impress with its fine bubbles and elegant finish.

    Pair Andre Brut 750ML with a variety of dishes, including seafood, salads, and light appetizers. This sparkling wine also pairs well with creamy desserts like cheesecake or fruit tarts. Whether you're enjoying a cozy night in or hosting a dinner party, Andre Brut 750ML is the perfect choice to complement your meal.


  • Korbel Natural 750ML

    Korbel Natural 750ML

    Enjoy the smooth and crisp taste of Korbel Natural 750ML wine, originating from California. This wine offers a delightful blend of flavors, perfect for those who appreciate a balanced and refreshing drink.

    Pair this Korbel Natural wine with a variety of dishes such as seafood, salads, and light pastas. It also complements poultry dishes and cheeses, making it a versatile option for any meal or occasion.



  • Korbel Extra Dry 750ML

    Korbel Extra Dry 750ML

    Korbel Extra Dry 750ML is a delightful sparkling wine from California. With a crisp and refreshing flavor profile, this wine offers subtle hints of citrus and green apple, making it perfect for any occasion.

    Pair this Korbel Extra Dry with light appetizers such as shrimp cocktail or bruschetta, or enjoy it alongside a main course of grilled chicken or salad. Its versatility makes it a great choice for pairing with a wide variety of dishes.



  • Louis Pommery Cali Brut NV 750ML

    Louis Pommery Cali Brut NV 750ML

    Louis Pommery Cali Brut NV 750ML is a fine wine from the Cali region, known for its crisp and refreshing taste. This Brut wine offers notes of citrus, green apple, and toasted almonds, making it perfect for those who enjoy a dry and elegant flavor profile.

    This wine pairs exceptionally well with fresh seafood such as oysters, shrimp cocktail, or grilled fish. It also complements light salads, mild cheeses, and appetizers like bruschetta or sushi. Serve chilled to enhance the crispness and vibrant flavors of this delightful wine.


  • J Vineyards California Cuvee NV 750ML

    J Vineyards California Cuvee NV 750ML

    Introducing J Vineyards California Cuvee NV 750ML, a delightful wine from California. This cuvee showcases a harmonious blend of flavors, with notes of citrus, stone fruits, and a hint of floral undertones.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including seafood, salads, and poultry. Enjoy it with grilled shrimp, roasted chicken, or a light pasta dish for a truly delightful dining experience.
